Here there be ...
Words of the 'About' kind

The 'Me' Things

The consciousness that I loosely refer to 'me' in the egoic sense was born to this world in Generation of X, a Pig year with Virgo rising on the horizon in Glasgow, Scotland and mostly identifies as a left handed human person....

After failing to get into a graphic design course there was a good decade being, as the 'Big Yin' would say, all windswept and interesting. Fell into the re-enactment/living history world and did some stuff as an extra. Auto-didactic skills were acquired, among them making mail armour all of this was back in the pre-internet days.

Life twisted and turned like a twisty turny thing and the turn of the millenium saw a change to the experimental 'industrial' mail with rubber o-rings or combinations of rubber and metal rings. Round about this time experiments took place mucking about with silver jump rings and idea of silver mail took root and those roots went deep.

Rolling forward through College and Uni as a mature student and onto a job as a Graphic Designer that went down the toilet resulting in a dramatic career change into Customer Service that led into Data Analysis and then into Business Analysis. While navigating all of this workstuff a workshop was built in the loft and there was a lot of experimentation with hefty dollops of wisdom from the online jewellery community via YouTube, a couple of night classes to cover off the stuff that I had problem with, latterly Instagram, but mostly from the awesomely creative person that has chosen to be my better half (and a variety of cats).

Spiritually happy to be filed under 'pagan', but if you want more detail you can add Animist, Polytheist, Jungian, Modern Druidry and Chaoist perspectives and a side order of Reiki to the mix and see what you come up with.